Bellman pub

The place where people meet Bellman Pub is currently owned and run by 35 young (æh. ..), cool urinary terre tease women and men who want to give Notodden population a place to enjoy and live. Bellman has gradually become a cultural institution in Notodden with concerts on weekends and Quiz and ølklubb on Wednesday. First Wednesday of the month is the Hiterdal Mead Fellowship which holds sway, while DEAF (Drammen of beer friends) takes care of the last three Wednesdays with Quiz and entertainment. Bring some good friends and start a private Quizlag.

Obs!! Latest dining is kl.02.00 all day.
Remember! The terrace is open and available for
food and dining.

The pub can also be used for events, kick-offs, and private parties the day the pub did not open to the public. The pub cellar has a capacity of approx. 100 + people that we have a terrace with seating for approx. 70 There is access to simple music system. For more information, contact Sigmund Evensen, 91 31 70 28 or
